ShibaFriendNFT & GEMS Crossover AMA

Hi everyone let’s welcome Alan Yeap from ShibaFriendNFT.
Thank you Andy and Gems for hosting this AMA.

Before we start, could you please introduce the #GEMSter a little bit about yourself and your role in ShibaFriendNFT?
My Name is Alan Yeap, I am the CEO of ShibafriendNFT.

I have been in mobile game industry since 2012 to 2017, and I have published hundreds of games and apps into appstore and playstore.2019 I was working for a crypto advisory company and was involve in 2 IEO projects.

2021 Nov 8, we started ShibafriendNFT Metaverse.

Got it thanks ~ wow such a strong profile you got !

Question 1. Why you choose the name shiba also share with us the major milestones you have achieved so far?
4.8mil DOGE Holders and 1.16mil SHIB Holders.
Doge is only doing memecoin. and SHIB metaverse will only ready in 2023.

There are 6mil Shiba Lovers ready and waiting.

We decide to ride on the fame of Shiba and created the name ShibafriendNFT Metaverse.

Second question: Can you tell us about Shibafriend game and its mechanism please?
We have 2 game. One is Shiba Music Beat Gamefi and upcoming Shiba Metaverse. Let me show you the video. The video speaks louder than text.

This is Shiba Music Beat. I believe this is world 1st Shiba Gamefi in the market. It is already ready and Beta Testing whitelist is opening up soon.

2nd is Shiba Metaverse

Sure I guess our #GEMSter would love to see the video~

This is our Metaverse… This month demo game play and the beta testing will be ready.

The music game is easy to play and easy to earn reward.

The metaverse is for exploring fun activites while earn rewards. The city is a 3D model of actual real buildings. We start with Singapore City and will expand to over 100 cities.

You can be the owner of NFT pets and also NFT buildings (3D model in real life building).

Wow the ShibaCity look so nice too.
It is not yet the final version. :D Final version will have wow alot of people.

Third question: How will the ShibaFriendNFT token will used in the ecosystem. What additional incentives user get by holding token?

For Shiba Music Beat Game, you complete the game without losing life, you will earn our game token.

It is a simple left and right game. Simple yet not easy.

For our metaverse, you can earn game token in the metaverse by example jump on top of the roof of the building (you need to buy the Jump booster).

Many fun activities will be added as we progress in the metaverse.

The visuals are awesome! I noticed that the ShibaFriendNFT universe is an AAA!
Thank you!

Fourth question: Could you please share with the #GEMSter more information about the ShibaFriendNFT? How many NFT will be there for sale, and what will be the rarity of the NFT?
Our designers have design 22 3D models of Shiba playable in our Music Beat Game and Metaverse.

Let me show you the designs.

Sure can’t wait

We have Shiba King, Queen, Captain, Valentine, Football, Student, Doctor, Nurse, Pirate, Magican, Swimmer, Pilot, Flight Attendance and Shiba Police.

This month we are building a Customize your own Shiba App. You can choose your Shiba color, shiba eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, accessories to make your Shiba 100% Unique to you only. That is the rarity you can have.

We will also expand to Poodle, Corgi and Cats in Q2 this year.

You can see in our TikTok channel. Search Shibafriend in TikTok. Lots of different Shiba gameplay in our TikTok.

Wow they are so cool and I wonder which character we will get
You can buy all of it. We are going to do INO in march with few partner’s community.

Oh wow good news to the catlovers. Got it #GEMSter stay tune!
I have Pet Poodle and Cat. So it is in our roadmap .

Fifth question: Are there any initial investment is needed to play Shibafriend game? I think you have just mentioned about the beta test, how can #GEMSter join the beta testing?
You need to have at least 1 Shiba NFT to be able to play our Shiba Music Beat Game and Shiba Metaverse.

We are whitelisting players to join in beta testing. Those interested, can visit our social, the forms is in our social media links.

There are limited numbers of beta tester we can accept. please do sign up before the slots are fully taken up.

#GEMSter don’t forget to sign up for the beta testing!
Before we move onto the twitter community questions, are there anything you want to add?

OK. Let me add a few info

🐶ShibafriendNFT Metaverse!
✅SmartContract Audited
✅List in CoinMarketcap
✅Real Shiba NFT in gameplay
✅Real Metaverse Gameplay
✅KYC done by launchpad


Congratulations on the listing on Coin Market Cap!

Part 2/3 Twitter Community questions:

#1 Twitter question from @Prince10732285
@shibafriendcoin is an NFT blockchain game, most NFT games only focus on profit with P2E, because this is one of the main attractions of blockchain games. So is @shibafriendcoin more focused on the player experience on and off the game to strike a balance between playing?

We have build hundreds of 2D, 3D, candy crush, 3d Racing games for past few years. We are focusing on 2 parts in the P2E.

1. Scholarship Investors and gameplay. Our Premium Shiba will allow scholarship program earn up to 3x of the rewards.

2. Female Gamers and casual gamers market. According to Google statistic, 3Billion mobile gamers, 49% are female gamers and top download games are casual games.

Majority of Gamefi and Metaverse in the market is PVP, player vs player, fighting, racing. Even Pet metaverse in the market I saw, the dog have weapon fighting another dog. This are not what 49% of female gamers want.

Majority of the gamers want to have fun playing game, non violent and family oriented.

ShibafriendNFT is designed for fun to play, non violent gameplay. And we are very focus on “Fun” part you can do everyday in the Metaverse.

Indeed! the Shibas are already very cute to look at 😄

#2 Twitter question from @Minhtrung7890
What is the biggest ambition of #ShibaFriend? Is it possible to share with us any Updates of the upcoming project?

Our biggest ambition, we want to release a new city every 2 months. With Community support, we can make it a reality. We are a little over just 100 days from the day we started. We built Shiba Music Game in 30 days. and Our metaverse development started just right after Lunar New Year and we are going to release beta in March.

Our experience in building mobile games, and with our recent experience in DAPP NFT technology, we are hoping we can achieve more.

We have the roadmap of 5 years to release 100 cities in our Metaverse.

Wow ! can’t wait to find all cities from the #GEMSter to be featured!

#3 Twitter question from @boltnevaValeri2
What do you consider to be the best features of “ShibaFriendNFT” ? Are there any features that “ShibaFriend” has that we can’t get on any other platform? Where can we stay informed of all the news that “ShibaFriendNFT” has to offer us?

Ahah.. . 22 Shiba NFT ready to roll out. Customize your unique Shiba app, Shiba Metaverse. This is what we are able to offer and will be live very soon.

Follow all our social media. the links can be found in our linktree.

Got it! Let’s customize the #GEMSter ShibaNFT!

#4 Twitter question from @AtendaX
Aside from artworks and art pieces, does shibafriendcoin also supports audio, music and video in its NFT variations?

Our Shiba NFT is in 3D format. Our Shiba Real Estate is also in 3D format. playable in our gamefi and metaverse.

We are working with Sports Brand to design our Shiba wear the sports brand jersey.

In Feb 22, ShibafriendNFT shows our Metaverse in World Largest Sports Summit and we have a Metaverse Booth in the summit.

The big brand name like Coca Cola, Laliga, Nike, Under Armour are all in the summit.

We are currently selected by Hype Sports Innovation Accelerator program to present pilot NFT Projects for Bologna FC, RBFA, IBU.

Our Shiba Metaverse will incorporate multiple brands.

We can also design Shiba wearing TheGemsgg logo on the cloth. A special unique edition. D:

That would be amazing!
Before we proceed to the live AMA session, is there anything you wanna add to our community?

@GEMSTER how many of you would like to have the special limited NFT edition of Shiba wearing GEMS cloth?

Great question! Let’s see how would our community respond.
Please do a poll question later.

Moving on to Part 3/3 Telegram Community questions

Listen up community, the group chat will be open in 30 seconds. Please drop your questions here for Alan Yeap.
Please ask questions that is related to the ShibaFriend project and tag @alanyeapshiba with your questions.

Wow… so many question! What a Great Community!


Where can I currently buy Token?
Our token are not yet listed. We are arranging with multiple launchpad for IDO. please visit our social. We have the link for IDO whitelisting and beta testing.

How many team members do you have? Do they have enough experience in the blockchain field? Do they have any experience on working in crypto and non-crypto project?

This are our team leaders. Very experience in DAPP, NFT, Blockchain, AWS Server, Unity3D programmers, 3D and 2D. We have a total of 12 staff including the leaders which consist of fulltime and partimers workign 24x7 to build our metaverse. They have more than 10 years of experience in game design, game programming and server programming (and about 2 years in NFT blockchain).

Such a strong team with awesome avatars.

Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is your project also like this? If not can u tell us, What makes your project different from other projects?
Yes. I totally agree with you. We want to be different than other projects. We already have Shiba Music Beat game ready, we are going to release demo game play of Shiba metaverse and also Beta testing in March. We will have our metaverse ready before our listing in Exchange. You can follow our tiktok and youtube and social channels for updates every few days. We want our communities to have confident and see the products ( metaverse, nft and music beat) before and during our launch.

Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relationships?
Here is our partner list. We also have bitforex crypto exchange as our financial backer.

Can you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens Will be minted ? And How many tokens Will be locked by the team?

Our tokenomics. Our Private Sale have lock of 7 days to 3 months. And it is daily vesting for 18 months. There will be limited token in circulation. During our TGE, less than $100,000 of our token will be release. IDO token owners will be very happy on the pricing as limited quantity available.


Thank you Alan for joining our @Shibafriend_official X @thegemsgg #GEMSCrossoverAMA. I believe the #GEMSter have learnt a lot about your project with the ShibaFriend NFT, game, Metaverse mechanism and also we can’t wait to see the special limited NFT of the Shiba wearing the GEMS clothes!

ShibaFriendNFT to the moon!

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To the moon YES! - Play Casual Gaming & Earn!

Shiba & Friends of Pets, Humans & Fantasy World: Play high-quality casual games, earn money daily, compete for pool rewards